Process automation has become business critical. Manual processes are error-prone, tedious, require additional employees, and lower morale. Software robots are saving employees and organizations thousands of hours by eliminating manual tasks, but understanding how to get started on your automation journey can be difficult. You’re not alone!
With any new initiative, it’s important to set a solid vision and ensure expectations are realistic. When adopting a new technology, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype and miss expectations. It’s also easy to miss opportunity because you don’t know what you don’t know.
Our goal at Capitalize is to help you set a proper vision with realistic expectations and ensure you reach your goals.
In this webinar we’ll discuss what’s possible, what’s reasonable, and how best to get started. That will include answering questions like:
- What can we automate with UiPath/RPA?
- How do we select the best processes to automate first?
- How quickly can we get automation in place to free up our team’s time?
- What types of skillsets do we need internally to succeed with UiPath/RPA?
- How do we expand our automation vision and support it long term?
The webinar offers a much clearer understanding of UiPath and if it makes sense for your organization. We also provide access to trial licenses and our internal experts to get you started on your process automation journey.
Check out the video above to learn how to get started on your automation journey by leveraging a simple framework and utilizing UiPath, an industry leading automation technology.