Thriving in a rapidly changing financial market is both a risk and an opportunity. Rapid economic changes have resulted in an explosion in volume, diversity, and complexity of market, industry, and company data.
Asset Management and Banking professionals need technology to analyze all this data providing deeper insights so they can manage risk and make smarter, faster, more informed decisions.
With market volatility, Asset Managers need to monitor the material impact of their investment strategies, and they need to monitor their investors’ portfolios to ensure they are within the investors’ risk tolerance. Managers use data to track the investment performance for total assets under management and at the individual client level.
Asset Owners need to monitor the performance of their funds against indices to make decisions on which investment vehicles to buy and/or sell to maintain their performance.
Asset Servicers who provide front, middle, and back-office services to Investment Management clients need to provide critical and timely performance management metrics.
Banks use data to increase customer profitability, improve operational efficiency, manage risk more effectively, and monitor and identify fraudulent activity.
Credit card companies use data to determine the creditworthiness of a customer, to pre-qualify a customer for a marketing campaign, to monitor current card activity or against prior use to detect if a card is lost or stolen, and to predict when a card user is likely to default.
Mortgage companies use data for pre-screening to determine who is eligible for a mortgage for marketing purposes, and to predict when a mortgage holder will likely default so it can proactively work with the client to prevent foreclosure.
In addition to the above, financial services firms use data to guarantee compliance with domestic and international regulatory authorities such as SEC, FRB, FDIC, FINRA, FSOC, and EBA, as well as the regulations set by these organizations including BASEL III, Solvency II, GDPR, MiFID, AIFMD, FATCA and PRIIPs.
Call Us For Trusted Finance Transformation Services
If you are challenged with accessing and leveraging data to drive more business, protecting clients, making smarter investment decisions, or confirming regulatory compliance, we can help. Our financial services professionals will work with you to access, organize, and structure the data you need to drive your business.