Is your organization beginning to have challenges around managing your Alteryx workflows?
How do you handle changes, like database, formulas, filters, and file names en mass?
Is auditability a problem for Alteryx?
Is scheduling on Gallery a bit of a black box?
WAM provides answers to these questions and more with:
- A robust Reporting Module that allows users to see dozens of different data perspectives of their workflows, users, permissions, usage, and more
- A detailed breakdown of the workflow configurations, with recommendations to make it better and a recreated flow graph
- The ability to update connections, formulas, filters, and annotations with a simple interface powered by an audit database for peace of mind
- The capability to create, modify and move Gallery Schedules, as well as create schedules for WAM reporting
- A means to orchestrate and chain workflows together using WAM’s straightforward interface and notification system
- Alerts for the workflow owners of failures and how you can create a report that is sent out to them
- Changes through a history report for any workflow showing change (who/what/when)
These are some areas where Workflow Admin Manager (WAM) can help! Please join us to learn how WAM can help auditors, IT, and business users wrangle their Alteryx world.