K-12 education isn’t about making a profit or the goals that the business world is concerned with. It is about helping each student succeed and it starts with the successful education of our young people. Today’s K12 education agencies are pulled in multiple directions and are being challenged to meet higher expectations with fewer resources. Districts need a high-level overview of how primary and secondary education institutes are performing and have the ability to identify students at risk.
Recently, one of the largest school districts in the Dallas metro area engaged with Capitalize to provide dashboards allowing them to track their absentee rates and how to reduce absences by students and get back on track.
Challenge: The client found it difficult and time-consuming to track and analyze attendance across the district. Districts are constantly under pressure to identify groups of students over a period of time as well as identify aggregated trends. Why are certain types of students performing higher than other types of students? Administrators wanted to be able to see what groups of kids (grade level, test scores etc.) are underperforming due to lack of attendance.
Solution: Attendance Dashboard . One of the goals was for administrators to be able to identify and help individual students and understand why it’s important to be in school by visiting with parents, counseling, and interventions. We created a dashboard for the administrators that shows a list of students in their case load, showing trends in their case load vs. the whole school, where are students over time, broken out by grade and what grades are not performing, etc. We also provided administrators the ability to drill down into individual student attendance showing their attendance when they were in the program vs. when they were not. They can also see all the student’s information, including google maps providing them with the student’s address for home visits. Ability to very quickly look at their student’s profile, including their discipline, grades, notes as well as links from the main page of their internal student information system. All of this can be done directly within the dashboard, they no longer have to go in and out of different systems.
Result: Ability to easily and proactively monitor individual and groups of students, monitor what actions should be taken and what decisions they can make to improve their attendance. Immediate access to information for the staff providing a deep-dive view so that administrators and staff can address issues in real time and improve attendance.
Capitalize can help educational institutions to quickly and confidently make budgeting and financial decisions. We can show your district how to better manage budgets, lower costs and maximize efficiencies in your people, systems, processes and facilities in order to optimize your finance and operations at every level of your organization.
Contact us today to learn how we can help your district meet their challenges and shed light on new ways to increase student performance.