What’s New in Cognos 11! Attention eSchoolPLUS and eFinancePLUS Users! Monday, October 30, 2017 12:00 – 1:00 pm CDT Come see what’s new in Cognos 11 and why you should upgrade sooner...
On Demand (recorded) Webinar – BusinessPLUS Webinar | See the combined power of BusinessPLUS with Cognos
Many BusinessPLUS customers have been asking for a way to more easily access and share information from HR, Payroll, GL, etc. Our partnership with IBM gives you access to the most powerful reporting a...
Upcoming Live Webinar – Use IBM Cognos Event Studio to notify you about ANYTHING!
Use IBM Cognos Event Studio to notify you about ANYTHING! (Live Webinar) Wed, August 30th, 2017 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CST With data coming in from every direction, sometimes the biggest challen...
Upcoming Live Webinar – Expand Beyond Core for 360-View of Customer – We hope you are able to join us!
Expand Beyond Core for 360-View of Customers – Overcome Core Limitations with Cognos Analytics (Live Webinar) Wed, July 26, 2017 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST Across the banking industry analyst str...
Using an “If Then Else” Statement In a Filter
Another great Cognos Tech Tip from one of our expert consultants. Thanks Trevor for providing this one! You can use if then else statements in a filter as long as you have a static answer (or set o...
When doing a union query, is it better to use UNION ALL versus UNION? The UNION will try and eliminate duplicate rows between the two queries and essentially does a select distinct on the entire query...
Ever wondered what browsers, data sources, etc. IBM Cognos supports?
Here’s an easy way to find out! IBM websites move around so start by googling “IBM Cognos Supported Environments”. The first set of links should be correct but make sure they look similar t...
Cognos Prompt Basics in Report Studio: What Type of Prompt Do I Use?
Need to know what type of prompt to use? In this 2-part tutorial video we describe the various prompt objects available for use within Cognos Report Studio. We will introduce prompt basics as well...
Cognos Video Tech Tip
Dynamic Columns in Cognos Check out our Youtube channel for Cognos tech tips put together by our Cognos rock stars! Today’s Tech Topic: How to create reports where you can select, based on a pro...
Cognos Video Tech Tip: Alternate Row Formatting in Crosstab Reports
Cognos Video Tech Tip: Alternate Row Formatting in Crosstab Reports: An issue that comes up with multilevel crosstab reports is being able to tell where the data from one object ends and another begi...